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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2011-8th Sem Certification MS-CIT SB-3862 Web Application Development Tech- 2 ( IT ) ( )( Pragramme) - Question Paper

Wednesday, 24 April 2013 09:55Web

M. Sc. (IT) (Sem. VIII) (Programme) Examination

March / April - 2011

Web Application Development Tech. - II


Time : 3 Hours]

Instructions :

[Total Marks : 70


N Seat No.:

6silq<3i Puunkiufl [qaim SuwiA u* qsq <KH=fl. Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination :

M. Sc. (IT) (Sem. 8) (Programme)

Name of the Subject:

*" Web Application Development Tech. - 2

-Subject Code No.:





-Section No. (1,2......): Nil

(b) Develop a remote business component which fetches the recent cricket scores from the database between 10th April to 14th April at every 5 minutes but not between

1 to 2 P.M. A web application should display the recent scores. Use EJB and JSF.

Do as directed :    14

(a)    Explain the producer consumer relationship and types of messages in Java Messaging Services. Explain how a asynchronous bean can use the messages in JMS.

Write a Web application to send a Topic message to JMS server.

(b)    Explain the working of Persistence Context. Write a logic to add the data in one to many and many to many relationship.


(b) Explain various methods of entity manager.

4    Do as directed :    14

(a) Write a detailed note on various mechanisms of webservice security.


(a)    Explain SAML and STS security mechanism in detail.

(b)    What are web services ? Explain the structure of WSDL and working of web services in enterprise applications.

SB-3862]    2    [100 ]


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You are here: PAPER Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2011-8th Sem Certification MS-CIT SB-3862 Web Application Development Tech- 2 ( IT ) ( )( Pragramme) - Question Paper