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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2010-2nd Sem Certification MS-CIT RF-3955-56 - Electronics

Wednesday, 24 April 2013 08:30Web


B. Sc. (I.T.) (Sem. II) Examination April/May - 2010 Electronics & Digital Communication

[Total Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours]


Instructions :


"x Seat No.:

6silq<3i Pwunkiofl SnwiA Hi qsq <KH=fl. Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination :

B. Sc. (IT) (Sem. 2)

Name of the Subject:

Electronics & Digital Communication

-Section No. (1,2......): 1

Student's Signature

-Subject Code No.

(2)    Write sections I and section II in separate sheet (with different subject code)

(3)    Draw the figure and give example whenever necessary.

Answer following questions :

(1)    Explain following definitions (any five):-

(i)    Permeability

(ii)    Modulation

(iii)    Frequency

(iv)    Electric current

(v)    Magnetic field

(vi)    capacitance

(2)    Explain Insulator, conductor, N-type extrinsic semiconductor


2    Answer the following questions in detail (any two):-    12

(1)    What is intrinsic semiconductor and explain PN-Junction diode with its biasing, (forward bias and reverse bias).

(2)    Explain Zener diode as a voltage Regulator.

(3)    Explain AC generator working principle and LDR.

3    Answer the following questions in detail (any two):- 12

(1)    Explain bridge rectifier with the help of circuit diagram.

(2)    Explain common emitter-cofiguration for transistor

(3)    Explain Resistor, inductor, Transformer

Instructions :


syiqc-i Pi*unkil fa1ifti. SnwiA u* <KH=fl. Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination :

B. Sc. (IT) (Sem. 2)

Name of the Subject:

Electronics & Digital Communication

-Section No. (1,2......): 2

Student's Signature

-Subject Code No.

RF-3955-56]    3    [ 200 ]


(3)    Draw the figure and give example whenever necessary.


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