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University of Pune 2010 M.C.A OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ( 2008 Pattern) - Question Paper

Tuesday, 23 April 2013 09:40Web

mi iii i ii ii n mi    [3780] - 403

M.C.A. (Semester - IV) (Mgt. Faculty) Examination, 2010 IT 43-403 : OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ( 2008 Pattern)

mi iii i ii ii n mi    [3780] - 403

Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours

Instructions : 1) Q.1 is compulsory.

2) Solve any live questions from remaining.

1.    A University has decided to conduct an online entrance test for Ph.D.

-    Candidate has to submit the application by selecting appropriate streams

-    University declares the exam centres depending on no. of candidate enrolled

-    A exam schedule is prepared by University and displayed on website

-    Candidate appear for exam and fill the option form for research center

-    Website provides subjectwise guide with vacancies

-    Result is declared and selected students are called for interview

A)    Draw class diagram.    (10)

B)    Draw use case diagram.    (10)

2.    Explain various approaches for identifying classes.    (10)

3.    A) Draw collaboration diagram for adding a new contact in mobile.    (5)

B) Draw a sequence diagram for sending SMS to your friend. (5)

4.    Describe RUP in detail.    (10)

5.    Draw activity diagram for online bill payment of electricity bill.    (10)

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6.    Draw the state transition diagram for Bank Safety Locker System which consist of a sensor and the system with the following facilities :

1)    Sensing the intruders

2)    Taking their photographs.

3)    Scanning their finger prints.

4)    Alarm system.

5)    Auto dialing to the authorities    (10)

7.    Write a short notes on (Any two):    (10)

A)    Booch methodology

B)    Object persistance

C)    Data access layer

D)    Testing strategy.



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