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University of Pune 2010 M.B.B.S I- anatomy(-2) - Question Paper

Tuesday, 23 April 2013 08:35Web

Total No. of Questions : 12    [Total No. of Pages : 2

[3844] - 102 I - M.B.B.S ANATOMY (Paper - II)

Time: 3 Hours]


Instructions to the candidates:

1)    Answer any five questions from each section.

2)    Answer of two sections should be written in separate answer books.

3)    Neat well labelled diagrams should be drawn wherever necessary.

4)    Figures to right indicate full marks.

[Max. Marks: 100


Q1) Write notes on:


a)    Histology of Oesophagus.

b)    First pharyngeal arch.

Q2) Describe broncho pulmonary segments and add a note on clinical importance.


Q3) Describe pharynx.    [10]

Q4) Describe muscles of tongue and nerve supply of tongue. Q5) Describe thoracic duct.




Q6) Write notes on:

a)    External carotid artery.

b)    Middle meatus of nose.


Q7) Write notes on:    [10]

a)    Functional components of trigeminal nerve.

b)    Draw and label transverse section of medulla oblongata at pyramidal decussation.


Q8) Describe glossopharyngeal nerve.    [10]

Q9) Describe internal capsule of brain.    [10]

Q10) Describe mid brain at the level of superior colliculus.    [10] Qll) Enumerate the menninges of brain, their parts and functions in detail. [10]

Q12) Write notes on:    [10]

a)    Vestibular nucleus.

b)    Superior cerebellar penduncle.


[3844] - 102    2.


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