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University of Pune 2010 M.B.B.S Iii- general and orhopaedics - Question Paper

Tuesday, 23 April 2013 08:10Web

Total No. of Questions : 7]    [Total No. of Pages :2

P1251    [3844]-304 III - M.B.B.S.


(Paper - II)

Time: 3 Hours]    [Max. Marks : 100

Instructions to the candidates:

1)    All questions are compulsory.

2)    Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books.

3)    Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.

4)    Figures to the right indicate full marks.


Q1) Discuss aetiopathology, clinical features and management of Ca. stomach.


Q2) Describe aetiopathology, clinical features and management of Acute pancreatitis.    [15]

Q3) Describe aetiopathology, clinical features and management of Ca. Bladder.


Q4) Write short notes on (any three):    [15]

a)    Management of Indirect Inguinal Hernia.

b)    Torsion Testis

c)    Differential Diagnosis of lump in (? iliac fossa.

d)    Anorectal abscesses.

e)    Horse-shoe Kidney.

Q5) Discuss clinical picture, X Ray discussion and management of Extra capsules fracture of neck femur. Discuss the complication.    [10]

Q6) Discuss clinical picture, X Ray finding and management of Tuberculosis of Knee joint.    [10]

Q7) Write short notes:    [20]

a)    CTEV

b)    Rheumatoid arthritis.

c)    Green stick fracture.

d)    Voltmann's Ischaemic contractors.

[3844]-304    - 2 -


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