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University of Pune 2009-2nd Sem M.A Economics , ester, EC-202 : Indian Public Finance - Question Paper

Tuesday, 23 April 2013 06:05Web

M.A ( part 1) (second Semester) Examination, 2009
EC-202: Indian Public Finance
(JUNE 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 hours
N.B. :- 1) Attempt All ques..
2) Figure to the right indicate full marks.
3) ans should be precise and to the point.

1. ans the subsequent ques. in 500 words every (any one) [marks 20]
(1) discuss the patterns in Expenditure of Union Government since 1991.
(2) "Deficit Financing is always inflationary." Would you agree?
Justify your ans.

2. ans the subsequent ques. in detail with 500 words every ( any two) [marks 20]
(1) What is Fiscal Policy? discuss in detail the objectives of India's Fiscal Polocy.
(2) Critically examine the "Eleventh Finance Commission".

3. ans the subsequent ques. in detail with 250 words every ( any two)[marks 20]
(1) explain the preparation and presentation methods of Union Budget.
(2) "Burden of Public debt on Indian Economy is increasing ."comment.
(3) explain the provision of transfer of resources from Union to state.
(4) discuss interdependence of Monetary and Fiscal Policies.

4. Write short notes on (any four)
(1) Components of Budget.
(2) patterns in Revenue of Union since 1991.
(3) Reforms of Indirect Taxes.
(4) Indicators of Indian Fiscal Imbalance .
(5) Automatic stabilizers.
(6) Principal of Federal Finance.

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