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University of Pune 2009-1st Sem LL.M LLM( ) - - Question Paper

Tuesday, 23 April 2013 01:25Web

Time : three Hours] [Max. Marks : 60

Instructions :

Q.1) discuss different Methods of Imparting Legal Education. The class-room or the lecturing method has its own limitations and cannot be followed exclusively. explain.

Q.2) "Clinical Legal Education is called as 'Learning by Doing'. It introduces students to the real world of law". discuss this statement with reference to trial advocacy, client counseling and ADR methods.

Q.3) Critically evaluate constitutional provisions relating to linguistic Minorities.
Do you think that the Indian Constitution has contributed in dividing the nation on the basis of language ?

Q.4) Examine role of 'Sarvodaya' as an option approach to legal regulations in delivery of justice and maintenance of legal regulations and Order. Can Sarvodaya be a better solution for social transformation ?

Q.5) define relation ranging from Theory and Fact as an important Component of Scientific Methodology of Research. Substantiate your ans with example of legal research.

Q.6) Draw a clear distinction ranging from Doctrinal and Non-doctrinal Research pointing out advantages and limitations of every.

Q.7) define different Legal Research Models with improper illustrations and point out their contribution in scientific enquiry in the area of legal regulations.

Q.8) Write short notes : (Any Two)

(a) Naxalite Movement - problems and issues

(b) Seminars, Symposia and Workshops as Learing Methods

(c) Objectives of Legal Education and Bar Councils

(d) Formulation of Research issue

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