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University of Pune 2010 B.Sc Health Education Food and beverage service - Question Paper

Tuesday, 23 April 2013 02:40Web

Total No. of Questions : 6]    [Total No. of Printed Pages : 2


B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - I) Examination - 2010 FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICE (Old 2005 Pattern)

Time : 2 Hours]    [Max. Marks : 40

Instructions :

(1)    Answer any four questions.

(2)    All questions carry equal marks.

(3)    Draw neat sketches wherever required.

Q.1) (A) List down any six types of Food and Beverage Outlets. [03]

(B)    Explain Auxiliary and list down any four revenue producing Auxiliary Areas of Food and Beverage Service Department. [03]

(C)    Define Mis-en-Place and Mis-en-Scene.    [04]

Q.2) (A) Explain usage of the following with neat diagram :    [05]

(a)    Fish Knife

(b)    Snail Dish

(c)    Cheese Knife

(d)    Pastry Fork

(e)    Oyster Fork

(B) Give Job Description of the following F and B Personnel : [05]

(a)    Restaurant Manager

(b)    Chef-de-Rang

Q.3) (A) Write down the capacities/sizes for the following equipments : [04]

(a)    High Ball Glass

(b)    Liqueur Glass

(c)    Fish Plate

(d)    Pilsner Glass

[3882]-12    1    P.T.O.

(B) Write    short notes :

(a)    Buffet

(b)    Dispence Bar

(c)    Vending Machine

(d)    Silver Service

Q.4) (A) Explain the following :

(a) Brunch Hi-tea Supper

What are the attributes of Food and Beverage Service Personnel. [05]

Differentiate between Ala Carte and TDH Menus.    [05]






Q.5) (A)


example of each course.


Q.6) Classify the following items according to the course in the French

Classical Menu and suggest accompaniment, cover for the same : [10]

(a)    Smoked Salmon

(b)    Pomfret ala orly

(c)    Strogonoff

(d)    Roast Leg of Lamb

(e)    Roast Duck



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