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University of Pune 2009-1st Sem B.E Industrial Engineering .(Industrial) s - Question Paper

Monday, 22 April 2013 11:25Web

Total No. of Questions : 09]    [Total No. of Pages : 02

P1158    t3564! - 239

B.E. (Industrial)


(2003 Course)

Time: 3 Hours]    [Max. Marks :100

Instructions to the candidates:

1)    Answer three questions from Section I and three questions from Section II.

2)    Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books.

3)    Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.

4)    Pigures to the right indicate full marks.


QIA Write a note on status of youth employment - Global, Asian and Indian scenario. What is the impact of current recessionary trends on employment in near future.    [IT]


Q2) Write a note on Govt. policy environment to boost entrepreneurship. [16]

Q3) What are the challenges and opportunities in turning job seekers into job creators.    [16]


Q4) What is the role of following stakeholders in entrepreneurship - Government, NGOs, financial institutions, corporate sector, industrial parks, educational and training institutes?    [16]

Q5) Explain the role of following institutions in entrepreneurship development: MCED, MITCON, NSTEDB, EDC.    [18]


Q6) Enumerate the various qualities, skills and traits necessary to be a successful entrepreneur.    [18]

Q7) Write short note on: (any three)

a)    Demand and supply analysis

b)    Market feasibility

c)    Technical feasibility

d)    Financial feasibility

Q8) Write short note on: (any four)


a)    F inancial projections

b)    Cost of project

c)    Means of Finance

d)    Project feasibility report

e)    Socio-economic cost benefit analysis

Q9) Write short note on: (any two)    [16]

a)    Cash flow planning

b)    Project scheduling - PERT, CPM

c)    Project Overruns

d)    Recourse planning and capacity utilization.

[3564]-239    2


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