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Saurastra University 2006 LL.M Penology : Treatment of Offenders - Question Paper

Wednesday, 17 April 2013 03:05Web

LL. M. (Part - II) exam
April / May – 2006
Penology : Treatment of Offenders
(New Course)
Time : three Hours] [Total Marks : 60
Instructions : (1) ans all ques..
(2) All ques. carry equal marks.
1 explain utilitarian prevention of crime. 15
1 When death penalty should be awarded ? explain. 15
2 How hardened criminals can be dealt with ? explain. 15
2 explain the possible role of 'fine' as an option to 15
3 explain pre-sentence hearing and plea bargaining. 15
3 explain different kinds of punishment given in Indian legal regulations.15
4 How approach of prison staff towards prisoners requires to 15
be changed ? explain.
4 explain prison reforms. 15

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