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Saurastra University 2006 LL.M Administrative Law - Question Paper

Wednesday, 17 April 2013 02:35Web

SM-4370    Seat No.



Second Year LL. B. (Monsoon) Examination March/April - 2006 Administrative Law

Time : 3 Hours]    [Total Marks : 100

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3    L>i[>i vl dflli AAjl 'L ijl G'MlPldl 'fllA ?    20


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SM-4370]    1    [Contd...

1 Defined the Aelegated Legislation. Write a short note on 20 Judicial restrictions on it.


1    Define the mean of doctrine of separation of powers and 20 evaluate the note on its execution in India.

2    Explain the doctrine of Rule of law by Dyes.    20


2    State the scope of administrative law and give the    20 importance of constitution value.

3    What is the importance of administrative tribunals as 20 administrative and judicial institutions.


3    State the exceptions and emmunerate the doctrine of    20 natural justice.

4    Write a short note on liabilities of state for tortoise act. 20


4    Give the constitutional status of corporation or public    20 sector after defining the same.

5    Explain : (any two)    20

(1)    Election Commission

(2)    Ombuds men

(3)    Quasi - Judicial act

(4)    Reasons of development of Administrative law.

SM-4370]    2    [ 500 / 7-29 ]

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