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Saurastra University 2006 LL.M Labour Law - Question Paper

Wednesday, 17 April 2013 02:20Web

SN-4372    Seat No.



Second Year LL. B. (Monsoon) Examination March / April - 2006 Labour Law

Time : 3 Hours]    [Total Marks : 70

: (1) 0BA 0|fPPe EaeU eOii.

(2) OBA qfPPe AHe awi Ei.

1    gUZau N (AUi 0 Hi)

(1)    iPBfZeAPf gkeeu

(2)    OOlBVOi

(3)    iaU0eBP UaOe aeQu

(4)    TiBTeBPf PuiEg

(5)    ZeiB pOYuAf giae.

2    AeOeAfY OOeg Eai a| ? OiPe OUye iaai QQq ABu.

2    PuOeYa AeU0eB gCePe aVOka iaai gUZau.

3    AeU0eB BeFY aiUe OeBe 1948 LaYi PuABi 0BQYeP 'Z Ai aaOBPi ZAae'u

3    UEIB 0eaOPi gkeeu P AeYjaeei gUZau.

4    00eglBieO BiaPeia{iaNO QQuj.

4    TYa@OAO AeU0eBPe eyuPe g0QjUe BiZeO AeU0eB (Protected Labours) AuPi AeiaeY ?

5    ABaOpPu xj gUZai ABaOjP U0a iaZee A' BiOi x' aA Ei ?

5 AeBAePe OeBe eila AeU0eBuP[ O0BVOi Ai ai ZAae'u ABaeUe eaf Ei?

1    Explain : (any two)

(1)    Powers of Inspectors

(2)    Healthiness

(3)    Advantages of Insurance Holder

(4)    Notice of Change

(5)    Public utility service.

2    What is the meaning of department inquiries and discuss the stage that of.


2    Explain the provision for entities of registered trade union.

3    Express the various benefits available under the employees state Insurance Act 1948 to an Insured Workman.


3    Explain the proceedings and powers of labour court.

4    Rationalization without tears. - Explain.


4    Describe the provision under Industrial dispute act 1947 regarding Protected Worker.

5    Explain the meaning of the misconduct and how can punishment be done for misconduct.


5 Discuss the provision for health of worker under factory act.

SN-4372]    2    [ 500 / 7-29 ]


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