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Punjab Technical University 2006-3rd Sem M.C.A -COMPILER DESIGN - exam paper

Tuesday, 16 April 2013 04:50Web

MCA-503 (O)
3RD Semester (2096)

Time Allowed : three Hours Maximum Marks:75

Note: (i)Alll ques. from Part A are compulsory.
(ii) Attempt any 9 ques. from Part B. All ques. carry equal marks.

Part A
(a) Which are the writing tools in compiler?
(b) A compiler is defined as a translator? Could any of its phases be defined as interprators? Which ones and why?
(c) What is Bootstrapping in Compiler?
(d) Differentiate local optimization and loop optimization.
(e) What are regular set and regular expressions?
(f) What are the duties of book keeping and fault handler?
(g) Write storage allocation strategies.
(h) Write the regular expression notations?
(i) What are the properties of regular set?
(j) Write a grammer whose phrases are the regular expressions over the alphabet(a,b)
(k) What are the dynamic storage allocation techniques?
(l) What are the assignment statements?
(m) Write the applications of DAG?
(n) Write issues in code generation phase.
(o) Justify loop optimization technique.

Section B 5x9=45
2. Draw and discuss a parse tree for the subsequent IF-Statement

IF A>B & A<=2* B-5 THAN A;+A=B
3. Write about following: Parser generator , automatic code generator and syntax directed translation engine.
4. Determine and define the large scale structure and intermediate code of a compiler in use in your computing environment. What part of compiler are optionally executed under user control?
5. Write about the following: Scanner generator, automatic code generator and data flow engine
6. Draw the flow chart of pass –I compiler.
7. Let R be a few relation on a set A. discuss all the 3 properties of the relation.
8. Translate the arithemetic expression a*-(b+c) into
(a) A syntax tree (b) Postfix notation
(c) Three- address code

9. Construct a finite automata that will accept string of zeros and ones tha5t contain even numbers of zeros and odd numbers of ones.
10. How we do minimization and optimization of a DFA.
11. Compare recursive – descent parsing and non recursive predictive parsing.
12. Write the algorithm for code- generation
13. Cosider the grammer S-> (L)|a

(a) What are the terminals, non terminals and begin symbol?
(b) What language does this grammer generate?

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