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Punjab Technical University 2007-5th Sem M.B.A III/I WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT - Question Paper

Monday, 15 April 2013 12:55Web

MB-516 (O)
IIIrd /IVth Semester (2096)

Time: three Hours Max Marks:75

Note: Part A is compulsory and have 15 short ans ques. of two marks every. Part B is consists of 12 long ans ques. of five marks each,out of which you have to attempt 9 ques..

1. Write short note on the subsequent 40-60 words:

a. Define working capital.
b. Define operating cycle.
c. Discuss in detail Impartance of working capital.
d. Explain the determinants of working capital.
e. Define gross working capital .
f. What is light debentures.
g. Explain commercial papers.
h. What do you mean by Securities?
i. Define Strategy.
j. What is public deposit?
k. What are the functions of bank?
l. Importance of working capital for any industry.
m. Define short term loan.
n. What is trade credit?
o. What is the meaning of Flow of Funds?

Section B
2. Discuss in detail introduction and concept of working capital.
3. What are the factor influencing working capital requirements?
4. Discuss in detail cash cycle.
5. How we calculate optimal level of working capital investments?
6. Discuss in detail overall working capital policy?
7. What are the important determinants of working capital?
8. Discuss in detail sources of Finance.
9. Discuss in detail provisions of working capital gave by Tandon Committee.
10. What are the kinds of collection systems?
11. Discuss in detail commercial papers and factoring.
12. How the management of cash flow is done in any company?
13. Discuss in detail regulation of bank finance.


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