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Punjab Technical University 2007-5th Sem M.B.A III/I PROGRAMMING IN C/C++ - Question Paper

Monday, 15 April 2013 12:25Web

3RD /4TH Semester (2096)

Time: three Hours Max Marks:75

Note: Part A is compulsory and have 15 short ans ques. of two marks every. Part B is consists of 12 long ans ques. of five marks each,out of which you have to attempt 9 ques..

Part A (15x2=30)

a. What is common ranging from C and C++?
b. What is Procedural programming? elaborate the weaknesses of procedural programming?
c. Give a few example to show that “Continue” can be changed with “goto” statement?
d. Show by example, how will you reason a statement to execute if none of the case constants match with switch paramatres.
e. What is the purpose of scope resolution operator?
f. What is the difference ranging from functions stremp ( ) and strnemp( )?
g. What factors distinguish Object oriented language from procedural language?
h. Can arithmetic operators be applied to enumerated data types?
i. What are the advantages of // in C++ as compared to old C kind comments?
j. What happens when numbers of values in initialization list is more than size of array?
k. What are various data kinds supported in C++?
l. What does # symbol denote?
m. What will be the output of the subsequent program:

int main ()
{int I,*p;
int a [] ={o,1,2,3,4};
for(p=a,i=0;p+i cout<<*(p+i);
n. What is wrong with the subsequent statement? give the accurate

o. Discuss the output of the subsequent program:

Int main ()
{int a []={1,2,3,4,5};
int I;
cout <<*(i=a);}
return 0;

Part B
2 a. What are the advantages of switch statement over the if-else statement?
b. When is while statement preffered over for statement?
3. Explain with the help of a few example the difference ranging from user described and
library functions?
4. a. What is the purpose of return statement?
b. What are inline functions? How are they various from normal functions?
5. a. What are the characteristics of the variables declared with static storage
b. Is it possible to declare and initialize tha arrays simultaneous? discuss
6. How are they structures various from the arrays and unions?
7. What is a class? define the syntax for declaring a class, creating an object and accessing the members of a class.
8. What is a friend function? How is a friend function declared? How is it useful?
9. What is a constructor? What areits characteristics? Can a constructor be overloaded?
10. Explain with the help of a few example, function overloading.
11. What is operator overloading? provide a few example.
12. What is inheritance? elaborate various forms of inheritance?
13. What are virtual functions? When are the virtual functions preffered?

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