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Punjab Technical University 2007-4th Sem M.B.A (-3/) ADVANCED ISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS ( - 544) - Question Paper

Monday, 15 April 2013 06:35Web

MBA (Semester - 3rd/4th)


Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75
Instruction to Candidates:
1) part - A is Compulsory.
2) Attempt any 9 ques. from part - B.

part - A
Q1) (15 x two = 30)
a) What is Management info system (MIS)?
b) What is the difference ranging from SUM and SUMIF command in EXCEL?
c) describe a database model.
d) Write the difference ranging from structured and unstructured decisions.
e) elaborate the 3 basic components of DSS?
f) What is the role of forecasting packages in decision support system?
g) In a MS-EXCEL file, what is the procedure for adding or deleting a
h) How do you insert a Bar chart or a line chart in EXCEL worksheet?
i) elaborate the benefits of Data Base Management System (DBMS)?
j) List the benefits of EXCEL in Business management.
k) Name different statistical packages available in DSS.
l) How is DSS various from Electronic Data Processing?
m) elaborate the applications of DSS?
n) What is the difference ranging from MIS and DSS?
o) provide the characteristics of effective DSS.

part - B
(9 x five = 45)
Q2) Enlist the unique features of MS-EXCEL? provide its applications in Business
Q3) What is the role of DSS in Management decision making?
Q4) elaborate the objectives of DSS? discuss the different subsystems in DSS.
Q5) Write short notes on Group Decision Support Systems.
Q6) define the different levels of Decision Support System.
Q7) elaborate Simon’s major contributions to DSS theory? discuss.
Q8) Write steps to create application in EXCEL for keeping a record of 200
employees of an organization under the subsequent heads: age, sex, department,
designation and salary.
Q9) How can Group Decision System facilitate group decision making?
Q10)How can Executive support system enhance managerial decision making?
Q11)Explain the features of data driven Decision Support System (DSS)
Q12)What is the difference ranging from Group Decision Support System (GDSS) and
Decision Support System (DSS)?
Q13)Write the function of subsequent commands in EXCEL worksheet:

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