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Punjab Technical University 2010-5th Sem B.Sc BioInformatics (BI) (th) BIOK UP LANGUAGE AND SYSTEM PROGRAMMING IN C

Tuesday, 09 April 2013 09:10Web

Total No. of Questions : 13]    [Total No. of Pages : 02

Roll No.......................

J-3594[S-1450]    [2037] B.Sc. (BI) (Semester - 5th)


Time : 03 Hours    Maximum Marks : 75

Instruction to Candidates:

1)    Section - A is compulsory.

2)    Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B.

Section - A

Q1)    (15 x 2 = 30)

a)    What do you understand by dereferencing in pointers?

b)    What are the advantages of pointers?

c)    What is the relationship between a pointer and one-dimensional array?

d)    What operations can be performed on pointer variables?

e)    Give examples of pointer variable pointing to int,void data type variables?

f)    What is a kernel? List its functions.

g)    How would you identify whether a given file is an executable file or not without executing it?

h)    If you have gone to some other directory how will you come back to your default directory without using the default directory name?

i)    What is the significance of test command in UNIX?

j) List the following type of operators according to priority in UNIX (from higher to lower):-Relational Logical Or, Logical And, Logical Not.

k) Explain briefly the significance of <FRAMESET> tag.

l) What is hypertext? m) What are the disadvantages of style sheets? n) List the essential elements of a web page.

o) What are singular tags? Give example.

(9 x 5 = 45)

Q2) Explain array of pointers to functions with the help of example.

Q3) Write a program in C to find the number entered by the user is a palindrome or not using the concept of pointers.

Q4) Write a short note on dynamic allocation of memory.

Q5) How is address passed as argument in functions? Give example.

Q6) Explain in detail UNIX file system.

Q7) Write a shell script which receives any integer number from the keyboard and determines whether the number is prime or not.

Q8) Write a shell script which gets executed the moment the user logs in. It should display the message Good Morning /Good Afternoon /Good Evening depending upon the time at which the user logs in.

Q9) The word unix is present in only some of the files supplied as arguments to the shell script. Your shell script should search each of these files in turn and stop at the first file that it encounters containing the word Unix. This filename should be displayed on the screen.

Q10) What is a CSS? Explain with example.

Q11) Explain with suitable example various attributes of <TABLE> tag.

Q12) Explain with suitable example attributes of <FORM> tag.

Q13) Create an application to explain the concept of linking documents.

J-3594[S-1450]    -2-


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