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Punjab Technical University 2005 B.E Computer Science Data Structures - Question Paper

Tuesday, 09 April 2013 07:05Web

Data Structures and Programming Methodology
(B.Tech third Semester, 2122)
Time : three Hours Maximum Marks : 60
NOTE:- This paper consist of 3 parts. part A is compulsory. Do any 4 ques. from
part B and any 2 ques. from part C
Section-A Marks : 20
1(a) describe the term Data Structure.
(b) What is recursion and advantages ?
(c) describe full tree and complete tree.
(d) Write infix equvilent of :
abc * c/-d+
(e) What is Priority Queue ?
(f) Whay do we go for dynamic data storage ?
(g) What is the criteria behind the design of hash function ?
(h) Name different application of Stacks and Queues.
(i) elaborate the different ways to store the Graphs in Memory ?
(j) Whay are the advantages of circular link list ?
Section-B Marks:5 every
2. Write an algrothim to check whether a provided string is palindrom or not using stacks.
3. in what way, double linked listis better than single link list. provide example.
4. Construct a binary tree whose nodes are in 2 orders as under :
inorder : B, C, E, D, F, A, G, H
Preorder : A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
5. Compare the time complexity of different sorting algrothims (Best and Worst case).
6. Write a non-recursive algrothim to insert a node into a single-lin list.
Section-C Marks : 10 every
7.(a) What is Graph ? Can a tree can be Graph ? Name different applications of Graph.
(b) Write a function to delete a node from a binary search tree.
8.(a) An array contains 25 elements. Write an algo to print all pirs whose sum is 20.
(b) describe Garbage Collection. When it takes place and how ?
9. Write short notes on the subsequent :
(a) Operations on sets
(b) Methods for Hash functions.

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