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Punjab Technical University 2007-3rd Sem B.E Computer Science CS-211 Programming Languages (B.Tech ester, 2052) - Question Paper

Tuesday, 09 April 2013 03:40Web

Time : three Hours Maximum Marks : 60
NOTE:- This paper consist of 3 parts. part A is compulsory. Do any 4 ques. from
part B and any 2 ques. from part C

Section-A Marks : 20
1 (a) What do you mean by inheritance ?
(b) describe a pointer.
(c) describe a virus and list its kinds.
(d) describe the term data hiding and Data abstruction.
(e) What is an array ? How does it differs from the ordinary variable ?
(f) elaborate 'Nested for' loops ?
(g) Differentiate ranging from Interpreater and Compiler.
(h) elaborate keywords ?
(i) What do you mean by compaired Data Structures ?
(j) describe the term Dynamic binding.
Section-B Marks:5 every
2. What is the difference ranging from direct and indirect base class ? Expalin them with examples.
3. Write a program in C++ to sort out a set of names in the Alphabetical order using pointer Technique.
4. How are arrays usually processed in C++ ? Can entire arrays be proessed with single instructions, without
using repetition ?
5. Write a program in C++ to obtain the number of vowels in every word of a provided text using a pointer - "PUNJAB tech. UNIVERSITY ".
6. Write a program to display all the odd numbers ranging from one and 100 using do-while loop.
Section-C Marks : 10 every
7. (a) Write a program to display the entered number in reverse order.
(b) elaborate breaking control statements ?
8. discuss the subsequent :
(a) Windows application with MFC
(b) Active X Controls
(c) OLE
9. (a) Write differences ranging from C and C++.
(b) Recursion Vs. Iteration.

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You are here: PAPER Punjab Technical University 2007-3rd Sem B.E Computer Science CS-211 Programming Languages (B.Tech ester, 2052) - Question Paper