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Punjab Technical University 2010-3rd Sem B.C.A Computer Application Object Oriented Programming Using in C - Question Paper

Monday, 08 April 2013 06:15Web

Roll No.......................

Total No. of Questions : 13]

Paper ID [A0214]

[Total No. of Pages : 02

Time : 03 Hours

Maximum Marks : 75

(Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)


Instruction to Candidates:

1)    Section - A is Compulsory.

2)    Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B.

Section - A

(15 x 2 = 30)


a)    What do you mean by data abstraction?

b)    Difference between break and continue.

c)    What do you mean by default arguments?

d)    What do you mean by recursion? List some uses of functions.

e)    What do you mean by nested structure?

f)    Dynamic constructer?

g)    Is constructer can be overloaded? Justify your answer.

h)    What is static function?

i)    What is ambiguity error? How we can solve it. j)    What do you mean by fstream?

k)    Various ways to open a file in c++.

l)    What do you mean by pure virtual function?

m)    seekg() and seekp()

n)    What is redirection.

o)    List some advantages of oops?

Q2) Explain various types of inheritance?

Q3) Difference between C and C++?

Q4) What is an array. WAP to search an element in array using function?

Q5) WAP to swap two numbers using call by value and call by references.

Q6) Explain friend function of two classes using example.

Q7) Difference between function overloading and function overriding.

Q8) WAP to print factorial using inheritance.

Q9) What do you mean by copy constructer explain with example?

Q10) What are various file opening mode available in c++?

Q11) WAP to copy the content of one file to another.

Q12) Explain any two:

(a) eof()

(b)    bad()

(c)    tell().

Q13) WAP to search the record of a student from file.

A-71    2


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