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Madurai Kamraj University (MKU) 2006-3rd Year M.C.A Computer Aplications All subject s - Question Paper

Saturday, 06 April 2013 03:25Web

MCA 3rd Year MAY 2006


Time: 3 hours Maximum: 100 marks

PART A ans ALL ques.. (8 X five = 40 marks)

1. (a) explain the network model of database system with example. Or
(b) describe database system. List the advantages of it.

2. (a) discuss why distributed databases are essential. Or
(b) Compare Distributed Databases with centralized databases.

3. (a) discuss with example the distribution transparency for learn only applications. Or
(b) explain the distribution transparency for UPDATE applications with example.

4. (a) elaborate the rules. laid for describe fragments? Or
(b) What do you mean by distributed database access primitives? discuss.

5. (a) discuss the equivalence transformation J queens Or
(b) discuss the process of using semi-io programs for join queries with suitable examples.

6. (a) discuss the two-phase commitment protocol Or
(b) elaborate the properties of transaction? discuss them in brief.

7. (a) discuss the architecture of SDD - one in detail Or
(b) explain the conflict graph analysis.

8. (a) Write short notes on execute phase I Or
(b) elaborate the functions of transaction control layer in telnet? .

PART B ans ALL ques.. (5 x 12 = 60 marks)

9. (a) define the subsequent with example:
(i) Hierarchical model (ii) Relational model. Or
(b) discuss the various operations allowed on relational algebra with suitable examples.

10. (a) discuss the concept of distributed database management system in detail.
(b) Or explain the following: (i) Overview of DDB
(ii) Global optimization (iii) Local optimization.

11. (a) elaborate the kinds of fragmentation? discuss them with examples. Or
(b) define in detail the architectures of DDB with objectives.

12. (a) explain the various procedure in the process of transforming global queries into fragment
queries with example. Or
(b) Write about the profiles of the outcome of any 4 algebraic operations with example.

13. (a) explain the subsequent ways of implementing a distributed transaction using the CICS IICS
(i) Function Shipping (ii) Asynchronous transaction processing. Or
(b) define the global time layer of Telnet in detail.

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