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Jaypee Institute of Information Technology (JIIT) 2008 B.Pharm Supplimentary - Presentation & Communication Skills for A - Question Paper

Tuesday, 02 April 2013 08:05Web

$ 1 F'nd

JAYPEE UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, WAKNAGHAT Supplementary Exam December 2008 B. Tech & B. Parma l sem.

Course Code: 07B11P0301    Max. Marks: 100

Course Name: Presentation & Communication Skills    Max. Time: 2hrs

Ql. "Communication is a two way process." Comment.    5

Q2. Explain the process and patterns of communication.    8

Q3. What is the importance of non verbal communication?    5

Q4. What are the barriers to communication?    6

QS. Why listening is important in communication. How can you make listening effective?    8

Q6. Discuss the characteristics of an effective oral presentation.    8

Q7. Draft a letter to THan watch company, Bangalore asking fpr a copy of their latest catalogue and stating that you are interested in the dealership of the company. Ask for their best trade terms.    15

Q8. Draft a memo to the staff on how to conduct themselves while on duty and to adhere to lunch hours.    10

Q9. Draw up a notice on behalf of the Managing Director, for the office notice-board informing employees about the annua! day function.    10

Q10. Write a circular asking the employees to give their preferences of three people to be nominated for the worker's consultative committee.    10

Q11. Write a letter style monthly progress report of the project you are working on    15


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