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M.A-M.A English 2nd Year WORLD CLASSICS IN ENGLISH TRANSLATION (University of Pune, Pune-2011)

Friday, 14 September 2012 04:34Pramod Dabholkar
Total No. of Questions : 4
Total No. of Pages : 2

M.A. English (Part - II) (Term - End)


(Paper - VII) (Group - E) (New Course)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60

Instructions to the candidates:

1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Explain with reference to the context any Three of the following in about 300 words :

a) Fiercely the fight goes on 
Doubtful the ending ;
Well matched these warriors are
Grim their contending.

b) One says that you have special almanacs printed, where you
double the ember days and vigils, so that you may profit by the
fasts to which you bind all your house;

c) What, silence our chorus ! Ah, no !
Let us sing as we sang long ago,
When we splashed in the sun
(Oh, wasn’t it fun)
'Mid the weeds and the sedge
At the pond's muddy edge.

d) Quick! Magistrates, police, provosts, judges, racks, gibbets and
executioners. I will hang everybody, and if I do not find my
money, I will hang myself afterwards.

e) Anyone can 'come' to his native country if he belongs there still,
nothing need have happened to him at all. But when an exile comes
home, he 'returns'.

Q2) a) Answer any One of the following in not more than 850 words :

i) Do you consider Anna the heroine of the novel Anna Karenina? Explain your view with adequate illustrations. 

b) Write short notes on any TWO of the following in about 400 words each:

i) Structural features of Stevens’ and Frost’s poetry.

ii) Conflicting viewpoints in “Home Burial” and “A High-Toned old Christian Woman”.

iii) Use of allusions in “Sunday Morning” and “Peter Quince at the Clavier”.

iv) Importance of earthly life in “Birches” and “Sunday Morning”. 

v) “In The Sound and the Fury Faulkner is concerned with telling the story of a particular family and with the innocence of children who cannot adjust themselves to adulthood. Discuss. 


b) Write short notes on any TWO of the following in about 400 words each:

i) Santiago’s spiritual victory.

ii) Santiago’s optimism.

iii) Ending of The Old Man and the Sea.

iv) Santiago’s love for the marlin.

Q3) a) Answer any ONE of the following in not more than 850 words :

i) “Quentin’s monologue reveals the failure of the Compson family to hold together.” Attempt a critical response to the statement.

ii) Consider Desire Under the Elms as a domestic tragedy.


b) Write short notes on any TWO of the following in about 400 words each:

i) Sea as the setting of The Old Man and the Sea.

ii) Treatment of Oedipus Complex in Desire Under the Elms.

iii) Symbolic significance of the sun in Desire Under the Elms.

iv) Sense of the earth as Ephraim Cabot’s means of salvation.

Q4) a) Answer any ONE of the following in about 850 words:

i) Write a detailed note on some of the important thematic considerations of Faulkner and O’Neill in their works prescribed for you.

ii) Do you think that Faulkner and Hemingway were critics of the society of their times? Substantiate your answer with examples from their novels prescribed for you.
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