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Bangalore University 2006 B.Com Business Economics – II - Question Paper

Friday, 22 March 2013 06:15Web

II Semester B.Com. Examination, May/June 2006
(Semester Scheme)
Business Economics – II

Time: three Hours Max. Marks: 90

Instructions : a) Answers should be continuous.
b) Answers should be written completely either in
English or in Kannada.

part – A

ans any ten of the subsequent. every ques. carries 2 marks. (2 x 10 = 20)

1. a) provide the meaning of duopoly?
b) What is meant by product differentiation?
c) describe exchange rate?
d) What is full-cost pricing?
e) What is an adverse balance of payments?
f) What is a trade cycle?
g) What is quota system?
h) provide the meaning of devaluation?
i) Mention any 2 features of prosperity?
j) Name any 4 chief exports of India?
k) Expand I.M.F?
l) What is tied foreign aid?

part – B

ans any 5 of the subsequent. every ques. carries 5 marks.
2. Bring out the features of Oligopoly?
3. elaborate the objectives of a pricing policy?
4. elaborate the differences ranging from home trade and foreign trade?
5. When is price discrimination possible?
6. explain the role of foreign aid in economic development?
7. Write a note on the export promotion measures of the
Government of India?
8. elaborate the advantages of foreign capital?
9. elaborate the causes for the balance of payments crisis in Indian in 1990s?

part – C

ans any 3 of the subsequent. every ques. carries fifteen marks. (3 x 15 = 45)

10. What is perfect competition? discuss how price and output is determined under perfect competition?

11. What is a pricing policy? Examine the factors involved in a pricing policy?

12. elaborate the causes for dis-equilibrium in balance of payments? discuss the measures that are adopted to overcome this?

13. Critically examine the role of multi-national corporations in economic development?

14. define the phases of a business cycle. elaborate the measures adopted to control their evil effects?


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