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Bangalore University 2006 B.Com Indian Financial Systems - Question Paper

Friday, 22 March 2013 06:00Web

III Semester B.Com. Examination, December 2006
(Semester Scheme)
3.6: Indian Financial Systems

Time : three Hours Max. Marks : 90

Instructions : ans either in English or in Kannada.

part - A

ans any 10 ques.. every ques. carries two marks.

1. a) What is primary market ?
b) Who ia an indigenous banker ?
c) What do you mean by mutual funds ?
d) Distinguish ranging from overdraft and cash credit.
e) State 4 kinds of preference shares.
f) What is Bank Rate ?
g) State any 2 functions of NABARD.
h) Expand MICR.
i) What is virtual banking ?
j) elaborate smart cards ?
k) State any two objectives of EXIM Bank.
l) Expand SEBI.

part - B

ans any five ques.. every ques. carries five marks.

2. explain the defects of Indian Money Market.

3. elaborate the objectives of LIC.

4. elaborate the sources of funds for commercial banks.

5. explain the open market operations of RBI.

6. Write a note on the functions of Indian Financial System.

7. Distinguish Credit card and Debot card.

8. elaborate the primary functions of commercial banks ?

9. Write a note on Electronic Fund Transfer.

part - C

ans any three ques.. every ques. carries 15 marks.

10. Briefly discuss the different components of Indian financial system.

11. explain in brief the different kinds of mutual funs and also state the advantages of mutual funds.

12. discuss the functions of RBI.

13. discuss in brief the new banking technology.

14. discuss the investment norms of commercial banks. Also state the factors determining the liquidity of Banks.


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