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Annamalai University 2008-1st Year M.A Psychology " 540 LIFE SPAN " ( - IV ) ( ) ( APPLIED ) 5614 - Question Paper

Wednesday, 20 March 2013 06:30Web

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5 6 14 MA. / M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION, 2008





December ]    [ Time : 3 Hours

Maximum : 100 Marks

Register Number:

SECTION - A (5 x 8 = 40)

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1.    Explain the psycho analytic approach of understanding human development across life span.

2.    Discuss the different types of child birth complications and mention the factors leading to complications at child birth.

3.    What factors influence the development

of self and how does parent child communication patterns influence the development of the child ?

4.    Outline Kulber Rosss stages of dying.

5.    Describe the social relations and adjustment issues during early adulthood phase of a person.

6.    What is menopause and climacteric problems that occur during middle adulthood ?

7.    Adolenscence is a period of turmoil - Give your view points on this statement.

8.    Discuss the common problems of widowhood.

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SECTION - B (3 x 20 = 60)

Answer any THREE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

9.    Elaborate on the salient features of the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial developments from prenatal period to old age.

10.    Discuss Piagetian Cognitive development through different stages of life span.

11.    Explain in detail the Eriksons theory of psychosocial development.

12.    Explain what is near death experience and what are some of the factors influencing adjustment to old age ?

13.    Discuss various factors influencing marital adjustment in ones life.


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