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Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar University 2005 B.Tech Information Technology Data Structure - university paper

Sunday, 20 January 2013 12:35Web



Day and Date: Tuesday, six 05-2005 Total Marks: 100
Time: 2.30pm to 5.30pm

Instructions: 1) Attempt any 3 ques. from every part.

2) Figures to right indicate full marks.


Q.1. a) discuss the differences ranging from an ordinary tree and binary tree.[Marks 4]

b) Write an algorithm for detection of a node in binary tree.[Marks 8]

c) discuss HASH function.[Marks 4]

Q.2. a) Show the status of array after every step in sorting the subsequent elements using heap sort:
95, 19, 44,8,32,75,25,65

b) discuss the subsequent with suitable examples: [Marks 8]

1) Linear search

2) Binary search

Q.3. a) Suppose CLIST is a circular linked list in memory consisting of numerical values. Write algorithms for every of the subsequent operations:[Marks 8]

1) Finding the numbers ‘NUM’ holding total number of even numbers in the CLIST.

2) Finding product ‘PRODS’ of numbers in the CLIST.

Q.4. Write a short notes on any two: [Marks 18=9*2]

1.Comparison of sorting methods.

2.Traversals techniques in binary trees.

3.AVL tree.

Q.5. a) what is hashing? discuss open Hashing and Closed Hashing. [Marks 8]

b) Write a C program to implement searching of numbers in a table using Hashing technique.[Marks 8]

Q.6. a) what is a binary tree? discuss its traversal methods.[Marks 8]

b) Write a ‘C’ program to implement deletion of node in a binary tree.[Marks 8]

Q.7.a) discuss closed hashing and open hashing.[Marks 8]

b) Write an algorithm for insertion and deletion into binary search tree.[Marks 8]

Q.8.a) discuss Reheap-up and Reheap-down functions in heap.[Marks 8]

b) Compare B-Tree AND B+ Tree.[Marks 8]

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