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Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar University 2007 B.C.A Computer Application C++ And OOP's - Question Paper

Sunday, 20 January 2013 09:15Web

Term-End exam
June, 2007
Time: two hours Maximum Marks: 100
Note: ques. number one is compulsory. Attempt any 3 ques. from the rest.
1.  (a) Is C++ an object oriented language? provide reasons to justify your ans.  (5)
(b)  What are looping statements given in c++? discuss their syntax.  (6)
(c)  Write a C++ function called sort ( ) to sort a provided list of integers. If the need be, it may call a function called swap (int & x, int & y)  to exchange the contents of 2 variables called x and y of type, integers.  (9)
 (d)  What are the applications of use case diagram and interaction diagram? provide example of every.  (5)
(e)  What is a constructor? How is it described and when is it called?  (5)

2.  (a)  Write a C++ program to compute 1st 15 terms of fibonacci series.  (5)

[fibonacci series is described as

f (n) = f (n - 1) + f (n - 2),
f (0) = 0
f (1) = 1]
 (b)  How are dynamic objects created and destroyed?   (5)
3.  (a)  What is an inline function? elaborate its limitations?   (5)
 (b)  How are arrays declared in C++? How can pointers be use to  manipulate array elements? provide an example.  (5)
4.  (a)  Mention the difference ranging from ad-hoc and universal  polymorphism.  (5)
(b) Define operator overloading. Why are inherited operators often  not very useful in derived classes?  (5)
5.  (a) Explain the concept of inheritance with the help of suitable example.  (5)
 (b)  Write a class called Time consisting of the subsequent three  methods.  (5)

• Read_later()  ____It reads time in subsequent format
hh: hours
mm: minutes
ss: Seconds
• Display_time() ____It display time in the subsequent format
hh : mm : ss
• Add_time() ____It takes 2 time objects T1 and T2, adds them to provide 3rd time object T3

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