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Annamalai University 2009-3rd Year B.Com - - Dual system - - - Commercial law - Question Paper

Saturday, 09 March 2013 03:35Web

320. COMMERCIAL legal regulations

May] [Time : three Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks

SECTION-A (8×5=40)
ans any 8 ques.
All ques. carry equal marks

1.State the legal rules relating to acceptance.

2.What is consideration? provide examples.

3.What are Quasi-Contracts? provide examples.

4.State the ways of creation of an agency.

5.State the different types of Partners.

6.What is Bailment? How it is various from Pledge?

7.State the characteristics of Negotiable Instruments.

8.State the kinds of Life Insurance Polices.

9.State the duties of a common carrier.

10.State the principles of Insurance.

SECTION-B (3×20=60)
ans any 3 ques.
All ques. carry equal marks

11.Discuss the essentials of a valid contract.

12.Explain the various ways of termination of an agency.

13.Discuss the implied conditions and warranties in a contract of sale.

14.Discuss the differences ranging from discharge of a negotiable instrument and discharge of a party to an instrument.

15.Discuss the liabilities of common carrier.


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