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Annamalai University 2008-1st Year B.B.A "141 CONCEPTS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND OPERATING SYSTEMS " ( PART- III ) ( - II ) - Question Paper

Friday, 08 March 2013 09:50Web

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December]    [ Time : 3 Hours

SECTION-A (10x2=15)

Answer any TEN questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1.    What are the devices common for input and output in a computer system ?

2.    Distinguish between hardware and software.

3.    Briefly explain about the RAM.

4.    What are the storage devices ?

5.    List few antivirus packages ?

6.    What can we understand from the version of a software ?

7.    What are the uses of number systems ?

8.    Why do we require binary codes ?

9.    Give the features of windows 95.

10.    What is a taskbar ?

11.    Give the working principle of a pendrive ?

12.    What is the application of WINZIP ?

SECTION - B (4x10 = 40)

Answer any FOUR questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

13.    Discuss the role and applications of computers in modern business world.

14.    Explain the various output devices with suitable diagrams.

15.    Illustrate the meaning of a PC configuration.

16.    What are the standard codes available ? Explain them in detail.

17.    What are the normal desktop icons ? How can we add or remove icons in desktop ?

18.    What do you understand by shortcuts ? Explain the process of creating shortcut.

SECTION - C (2 x 20 = 40)

Answer any TWO questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

19.    List the various types of computers. Explain them with their features.

20.    Define software. Discuss the different types of software with few examples.

21.    Why do we require data compression ? Explain the various techniques of data compression.

22.    What is an operating system ? How can we classify the operating systems ? Explain the functions of any operating system.

business service centre. A 14-member crossfunctional team named as the Culture Team was set up to oversee the management of change.

The achievements of the Organisation 2005 programme were to be seen in terms of:

(i)    changing P & G from being a misaligned organisation to one aligned on common goals , with trust as the foundation.

(ii)    evolve from an intense inspection-led organisation where everything is kept under control to one that is a term-collaborating unit.

(iii)    shift from a risk-avoiding culture to a stretch-taking one.

(iv)    move from running down on complexities to taking on challenges.

Name of the Candidate :

5 8 4 2 M.B.A. ( International Bussiness ) DEGREE EXAMINATION, 2008




December ]    [ Time : 3 Hours

Maximum : 75 Marks

PART-A (5x3 = 15)

Answer Any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1.    Define international trade and its importance.

2.    Define business environment in Global Business.

3.    What do you mean by IMF and state any two functions ?

4.    Define ECGC.

5.    What do you understand by void and voidable contract ?

6.    Define foreign exchange management.

7.    Define meeting and its importance.

8.    What do you mean by Arbitration ?

PART - B (3x15 = 45)

Answer any THREE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

9.    Briefly explain different theories of international trade.

10.    Briefly explain different competitive strategy in Global Business.

11.    Briefly explain the role of World Bank in promoting international trade.

12.    Briefly explain export and import procedures and its importance in Global Business.

13. Define law of contract and explain various essentials of contract.

PART-C (1x15 = 15)

( Compulsory )


In September 1998, the Procter & Gamble Company , Cincinnati , USA , announced a major global structural change programme , Organisation 2005. the mission of the programme was to take P & Gs global turnover from $ 38 billion to $ 70 billion by 2005. The objective was to raise profitability by changing the work culture at P & G. The change drivers identified were the attributes of Stretch , Innovation , and Speed (SIS). The structural changes to be initiated included setting up of four global business units based on product lines , eight market development organisations based on regions, and one global

periodically. Outdoor meetings of all P & G India employees were conducted to drive home the SIS message. Weekly indoor meetings were held both department-wise and across hierarchies and categories. Team members were made responsible for communicating formal and informal feed-back to and from their department. Monthly updates and communication through newsletters were extensively used. Question-and-answer sessions were held to clarify doubts of employees. Reassurance of employees thus became an on-going continual process.

Says a P & G employee : Initially, when the global changes were announced, we were a little sceptical as to what will be its impact on the Indian operations. Now after so much communication and interaction at all levels, we are confident and look forward to this change.

(v) heave from a slow-moving organisation to one which hurtles through stretch, innovation, and speed to breakthrough goals.

As the news of Organisation 2005 programme reached the P & G Hygiene and Health Care headquarter at Mumbai , India there was a lot of apprehension among the employees. Uncertainty and suspicion arose with regard to their own future and related to the continued existence of the business division they worked in. It took about a year for the apprehensions to fade away and be replaced by clarity and confidence.

P & G , India adopted the global motto of SIS of its parent. A cultural team was set up to commuicate the goals of SIS internally to the employees and to seek their involvement in creating a new P & G. The team set out to identify projects to help achieve the goals of SIS and to get employee feedback

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