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Annamalai University 2011-2nd Year B.A English , ( ) ( ) ( - iii ) 640poetry - university paper

Tuesday, 05 March 2013 06:35Web

( 2nd YEAR )
( Common to B.A. English and Communication )
( Including Lateral Entry & Double Degree )


3.    Examine the emotions evoked by the poem The Dead.

4.    How does Dylan Thomas link the present emotions with the emotions of the past?

5.    How does Philip Larkin describe modern times in his poem, Wants.?

Name of the Candidate :

10 5 3






( Common to B.A. English and Communication ) (Including Lateral Entry & Double Degree ) May ]    [ Time : 3 Hours

Maximum : 100 Marks

SECTION-A (5x4 = 20)

I. Annotate FIVE of the following passages:

1. Were it not better done, as others use, To sport with Amaryllis in the shade,

Or with the tangles of Neaeras hair?

2.    What passion cannot Music raise and


3.    More like a man

Flying from something that he dreads than


Who sought the thing he loved.

4.    Was it a vision or a waking dream?

Fled is that music;-do I wake or sleep?

5.    O wind, If winter comes and spring be far behind?

6.    This grew; I gave commands;

Then all smiles stopped together.

7.    The conscience of a blackened street Impatient to assume the World.

8.    For England may keep faith For all that is done and said.

IV. Answer ONE of the following questions:

1.    How does Pope express his vexation with bad poets?

2.    Why is John Donne afraid of meeting death?

3.    What is Collins attitude to nature?

4.    Attempt a critique of Blakes A Poison Tree.

5.    Consider Kubla Khan as a dream poem.

SECTION-E (1 x 20 = 20)

V Answer ONE of the following questions:

1.    How does Hopkins prise God in Pied Beauty?

2.    How does Walter de La Mare create a dream world in Arabia?

SECTION-C (1 x 20 = 20)

III. Answer ONE of the following questions:

1.    What do you learn about the character of the Duke from the poem, My Last Duchess?

2.    Why is Tithonus dissatisfied with the gift of immortality bestowed on him?

3.    Why does Yeats say that a terrible beauty is born?

4.    What effect does war have upon the ordinary soldier, according to Wilfred Owen?

Explain the title, The Unknown Citizen.


9.    Happy the soldier home, with not a notion

How somewhere, every dawn, some men


10.    Was he free? Was he happy? The question is absurd: Had anything been wrong, we should certainly have heard.

SECTION-B (1 x 20 = 20)

II. Answer ONE of the following questions:

1.    Show how Lycidas is an expression of personal grief.

2.    Substantiate the theme of Shakespeares Sonnet 29.

3.    How does Wordsworth describe his different attitudes to nature in Tintern Abbey Lines ?

4.    Briefly state the feelings aroused in Keats as he first hears the song of the nightingale.

5.    Write a note on the character of the West Wind as portrayed by Shelley.

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