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Symbiosis International University 2008 SNAP - Question Paper

Wednesday, 06 February 2013 07:10Web
49. Consider the statement and decide which of the assumptions are implicit:-
?In the current period of economic hardships, education and small family norm may lead the nation to progress and prosperity? Assumptions: A. Education and small family norms are directly related to nation‘s progress. B. Big families obtain it difficult to bear the cost of education.
a. Only A is implicit.
b. Only B is implicit.
c. Both A and B are implicit
d. Neither A nor B is implicit.
50. Fill in the blanks to obtain out 2 words that are synonyms
a. KS, ST
b. MS, NT
c. ST, DN
d. MS,DN
51. Beautiful beaches attract people, no doubt about that. Just look at the city‘s most beautiful beaches, which amongst the most overcrowded places in the state.
Which of the subsequent exhibits a trend of reasoning similar to the 1 exhibited in the argument above?
a. Moose and bear usually appear at the identical drinking hole at the identical time of the day. Therefore, moose and bear must be feeling thirsty at about the identical time.
b. Children who are scolded severely tend to misbehave more often than other children. Hence if a child is not scolded severely, that child is less likely to misbehave.
c. During warm weather my dog suffers more fleas than during cool weather. Therefore, fleas must thrive in a warm environment.
d. Tally accounting software helps increase the work efficiency of its users. As a result, these users have more time for other activities.
SNAP Test 2008 E 14
52. Abdul, Mala and Chetan went bird watching. every of them saw 1 bird that none of the others did. every pair saw 1 bird that the 3rd did not. And 1 bird was seen by all three. Of the birds Abdul saw, 2 were yellow. Of the birds mala saw, 3 were yellow. Of the birds Chetan saw, 4 were yellow. How many yellow birds were seen in all? How many non-yellow birds were seen in all?
a. seven yellow birds and three non yellow birds
b. five yellow birds and two non yellow birds
c. four yellow birds and two non yellow birds
d. three yellow birds and two non yellow birds
53. In every of the subsequent 2 sets I & II, obtain the word or pair of words various from the other 3 words or pair of words:
I: J. Lake K. Brook L. Stream M. River II: J. Weighty-Heavy K. Broad-Wide L. Big-Large M. Tiny-Small
a. I-J, II-J
b. I-K, II-M
c. I-K, II-J

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