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Sikkim-Manipal University of Health Medical and Technological Sciences (SMUHMTS) 2007-1st Sem M.B.A Business Administration ISTER OPERATION MANAGEMENT - Question Paper

Monday, 10 June 2013 04:55Web
B) Administrative training b) courses in employment practices performances, appraisals and management skills are offered to employees who have been designated as team leaders.
C) Teaching training c) these courses focus on the specific aspects of a person’s job or a related job with a goal of increasing the employees skills.
ii) Ac,Bb,Ca
iv) Ab,Bc,Ca
11._________ specifies a job content, the employee skills and training needed to perform that job and the degree of specialization improper for the job.
A) job design
b)team bead plan
c)Training program
d)Group based plans
12.Traditional job design was invented more than ________ years ago.
A) 150
13.__________ approach known as scientific management is based on the philosophy that any operation can be improved by breaking it into components and studying the work content of every components to improve work methods.
A) henry fayol
b)Gold rick
c)Frederick Tarlor
d)Elton mayo
14.pick the odd 1 out : Specialization outcomes in benefits such as
a)faster work phase leading to more out put innless time.
b)Lower wages paid because education and skill requirements are lower.
c)Less training time needed per employee because the methods and procedures are limited
d) none of the above
15.A system where the workers exchange jobs periodically thus getting more diversity in task assignment is called ______
a) Job knowledge
b)Job rotation
c)Job enrichment
d)Job enlargement
16.pick the odd 1 out : The steps followed for setting time standards of a job
a) selecting the work elements
b)Timing the elements
c)dividing the elements
d)setting the elements
17.The _________ eliminates the needs for time studies altogether .
a) work sample method
b)Predetermined work approach
c) Predetermined date approach
d)standard data approach
1. The learning effect can be represented by alien called a _____ which displays the relationship ranging from the total direct labor per unit and the cumulative volume of the product or service produced.
A) Learning curve
b)Financial planning
c)Experience curve
d)Bid preparation
2.The terms ________ and experience curve also have been used to define the relation ship.
A) Experience curve

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