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Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT-K) 2006 JT - Question Paper

Wednesday, 23 January 2013 08:55Web
At the identical period, I recall the excitement of the company’s 1st computer being delivered. The accounts’
office window was temporarily removed, while the computer was swung into place by a crane especially
hired for the purpose. The computer power was probably less than a Personal Organizer.
Not only was color television a rarity, and the personal computer still a few way off, other everyday objects
had still to be invented, like the digital watch or the camcorder. How we existed without such basic everyday
tools, I now obtain hard to imagine.
The truth is that we and our parents and grandparents before us — and their forebears before them stretching
back over the past 2 centuries — have seen and accommodated huge tech. advances and social
changes. Many of these modifications have not only been big — they’ve been fast.
Q.16 The MOST improper title for the above passage could be
(A) “Changes since the 1960s” (B) “Accepting change”
(C) “Change and obsolescence” (D) “The changing world”
Q.17 Which of the subsequent statements is MOST right in terms of the passage above?
(A) Colour commercial was ruled out because color photography was in its infancy
(B) An office window had to be dismantled so as to put the computer inside
(C) The digital camcorder had not yet been invented in the 1970s
(D) Slide rules could compute percentages, multiplication and logarithms
Q.18 Which of the subsequent inferences is the MOST improper as per the passage above?
(A) change is a process of struggling against existing ideas
(B) The world has changed rapidly since the 1960s and ‘70s
(C) change is exciting, especially in the field of technology
(D) The world has been changing significantly for a long time
Solutions to Q. 16-18:
16. The ans is (D). The passage does not restrict
discussion to modifications only since the 60s, as in the
end the writer talks about “parents and grand
parents before us”, thereby eliminating (A). Neither does he explain acceptance of modifications nor talks about other things 17. The ans is (B). The 2nd line of the fourth
snippet reflects this.
18. The ans is (D). The passage does not talk
about a struggle against change, nor is it only
referring to modifications since the 60s and 70s. It

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