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University of Pune 2007 M.B.A Business Administration CET - Question Paper

Tuesday, 23 April 2013 06:25Web
(b) being raised
(c) been raising
(d) has been raised
(e) none of the above
27. I think at 1 time my family ------ to a psychiatrist.
(a) was considering showing me
(b) was considering to show me
(c) had considered showing
(d) is considering showing me
(e) has been considering showing me
28. The exciting thing ---------- working with Ramuji, is that you always get to do something various.
(a) in (b) about (c) with (d) of (e) none of these
29. Bihar ’s past is full of haunting instances of Dalit women --------- brutalised.
(a) were being (b) been (c) being (d) have been (e) were
30. I called him up to protest ----------- a piece of misreporting.
(a) on (b) about (c) regarding (d) of (e) against

Directions for ques. 31 to 35: In every of the subsequent questions, a sentence has been split into 5 parts. You have to choose that part that has an fault in it.
31. (a) The onus
(b) for the
(c) achievement of
(d) targets rests
(e) entirely in her.
32. (a) Such a system
(b) works best in
(c) developing markets because it
(d) enhances the ability
(e) to reacting faster.

33. (a) Implementational freedom lies
(b) entirely with the local
(c) manager since there
(d) is no every- day
(e) targets to meet.
34. (a)The primary
(b) reward in such
(c) a system are
(d) accomplishment and
(e) winning as a team.

35. (a) Whatever it does,
(b) BAT will end up
(c) supporting the man who
(d) it once regarded
(e) as its arch adversary.
Directions for ques. 36 to 40: obtain the missing term in the provided series.
36. 5, 5, 5, 10, 20, 20 , 20 , ---- , 80 , 80
(a) 20 (b) 80 (c) 40 (d) 60 (e) None of these

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