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All India Management Association (AIMA) 2007 M.B.A Marketing Management Managerial Effectiveness – II - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 10:35Web
I. It provides a narrow perspective.
III. Managers draw up short-term plans keeping in view their long-term
Statement (II) is not actual regarding short term plan.
28. D I. Delegation is the process of giving authority to a person to undertake
activities or tasks on behalf of a different person.
II. Managers have the right to delegate but they have to take care to delegate
work to the right person.
III. A person with low self-esteem may feel that delegation is a sign of
29. D A goal must have a numerical or quantitative value related to the desired outcome < TOP
30. D I. Working faster may outcome in many errors.
II. Working for long hours may exhaust the person.
III. Improvement in technology has changed the approach to time
31. D A fixed schedule or routine discourages others from interrupting them unless
there is an emergency.
32. C I. Socializing is essential for every successful manager.
II. When managers spend too much time in socializing with colleagues, it
may outcome in wastage of work hours.
III. The socializing process begins at an unknown level and makes itself an
accomplished habit.
33. D Few members attending the meeting is not a factor that contribute to the failure
of a meeting. Too many members attending the meeting is the factor that
contribute to the failure of the meeting.
34. E All the statements are actual regarding poor communication. < TOP
35. E choice (e) the goals should be free of targets is incorrect. The goals should
have a time target or deadline.
36. A Lateral delegation implies delegating work to colleagues. This type of
delegation occurs generally ranging from various departments.
37. C A daily plan is a to-do list that managers prepare every day that reminds them
of the important tasks to be performed on a provided day.
38. B Statements (I) and (IV) are actual regarding the phases of time planning.
Statements (II) and (III) are interchanged. The accurate statements are the
second phase of planning involves taking a wide angle view of future events

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