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All India Management Association (AIMA) 2007 M.B.A Marketing Management Managerial Effectiveness – II - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 10:35Web
17. C Employees, especially those in the BPO industry are needed to work in shifts
that outcome in irregular rest hours that create stress. This is a job stressor.
18. A The external stress can caused from family, work, peers and friends. Physical
conditions such as poor lighting, loud noise, poor seating arrangements and
extreme workplace temperatures are also stressors. Statement (I) relates to
internal stress but not external stress.
19. E Stress that occurs due to lack of resources or scarce resources at the work place
is called job stress. The common job stressors are:
? Difficult superiors
Personal inadequacy
Setting high goals
Role conflicts
Overwork and deadline.
Hence choice (e) is the ans as it is an organizational stressor. Job insecurity
comes under organizational stress.
20. D other than statement (III) all the other statements are the reasons for the
importance of work-life balance.
21. A Poor organization skills lead to confusion over delegation of authority and
responsibility. If an employee may be provided any responsibilities without
sufficient authority, this would outcome in organizational stress.
22. D Our mind switches from 1 thought to a different constantly. The constant
thought process of thinking leads to stress in people. Meditation is a technique
to achieve a thoughtless or mindless state.
23. A Balanced diet is important for reducing stress and not fasting. Therefore all the
remaining are the important strategies for reducing the stress.
24. C Statements (I) and (III) are actual with regard to time logs. Statements (II) is not
true. Time logs can be designed for daily, weekly or fornightly use.
25. B All the situations other than the situation in choice (b) are facing the stress. In the
situation, where the a learner is attending college, the learner does not face
stress as it is his routine schedule and also it is not at all a burden on him. A
learner preparing for exams is under stress.
Page 22 of 26
26. D The corporate world signifies uncertainties, too many responsibilities and long
work hours.
Hence the choice (d) is the ans.
27. D Statements (I) and (III) are actual regarding short term plans.

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