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All India Management Association (AIMA) 2007 M.B.A Marketing Management Organizational Behavior – I - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 10:25Web
The model can only measure and define the development of an individual ‘s
personality but cannot predict any specific behavior of the individual.
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29. C If an employee is low in ability but high in willingness to perform, the manager
has to use selling kind of leadership.
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30. D Self monitoring individuals or leaders always take personal interest and
responsibility in the tasks to be accomplished. They will never evade
responsibility. In turn they volunteer to take up additional responsibility.
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31. C Only statement (I) is actual about ‘Conscientiousness’.
I. People who are very conscientious limit the number of goals they set for
II. People who are very conscientious are more organized, responsible and
III. Extraversion refers to the extent to which a person is comfortable with
other people.
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32. B Statement (II) is not actual.
The leadership-participation model is normative.
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33. D Associative learning: When a neutral stimulus is combined with a different stimulus
that produces a strong reaction, it outcomes in associative learning.
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34. C Statements (I) and (IV) are actual about Personality.
? Personality should define a person from a holistic point of view and not
just look at individual aspects of his character.
The physical characteristics of a person are purely hereditary.
The psychological characteristics of a person are partly hereditary and partly
conditioned by the environment.
In an organization, the psychological characteristics of a person are of more
concern than his physical characteristics.
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35. B Subprocesses of modeling are:
? Attention
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36. B Instrumental or operant conditioning: A kind of conditioning in which desired
voluntary behavior leads to a reward or prevents a punishment.
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37. D Rico’s supervisor delegated duties to him which needed getting info
from other departments, but he didn’t provide him the authority to find
info from others. So it resulted in damage. So, his supervisor should provide
him both responsibility and authority.
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Page 21 of 26
38. B Statement (III) is actual about’ Self-esteem’.

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