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All India Management Association (AIMA) 2007 M.B.A Marketing Management Business Ethics

Friday, 01 February 2013 11:35Web
“These facts combined make for a few extremely difficult terrain. Officials expect you to pay bribes, a few of your competitors will pay them, but you might go to jail if you do.”
Coercion, deceptive information, theft and bribery are all unethical behavior. They lead to a misallocation of resources and a lack of trust ranging from the parties involved in a business transaction. This hampers the effective functioning of the market system. < TOP >

5. Environmental ethics is a branch of applied ethics, which examines the moral basis of environmental responsibility. Environmental responsibilities have to be weighed against the responsibilities against the responsibilities to stakeholders and societal benefits, as any damage caused to environment has an impact on society as well as on stakeholders. Environmental problems such as toxic waste, contamination of ground water, oil spills destroying the seashores, usage of fluorocarbon that deplete the ozone layer etc can be tackled by espousing environmental ethics. Thus, the goal of environmental ethics does mainly revolve around the concern about the environment and also the moral foundation of environmental responsibility.
There are 3 approaches concerning the moral responsibility of environment. Although 3 various approaches have been adopted, but they all in an essence, support environment responsibility. The approaches are:
• Anthropocentrism approach
• Anxiological approach
• Eco-centric approach
The Anthropocentrism approach focuses on the utility that human beings can derive by protecting the environment. Since the survival and well being of human beings depends on the environment, it is the moral responsibility of human beings to support and preserve the environment.
According to the Anxiological approach it is the moral responsibility to protect animals. It; implies the responsibility of environment with regard to preservation of animals and animals' rights. This approach stales that it is essential for a human being to have a moral standing towards the animals. Since Fetzer did not have any connection with animals they need not use this approach.
Eco-centric approach is considered to be a radical approach to the environmental responsibility. The theory states that, environment has to be influenced from direct moral consideration but not that 1 which is derived from human interest. The term direct responsibility means, doing such activities, which aim at preserving the inherent nature and environment. The building of Fetzer is an example of Eco-centric.
Although various approaches have been put forward to support environmental responsibility, but a successful foundation for environmental ethics should fulfill 2 tasks: first, it has to discuss how human beings have degraded the environment crisis, second, it must discuss how human beings can protect the environment.

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