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All India Management Association (AIMA) 2007 M.B.A Marketing Management Organizational Behavior – I - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 10:25Web
was accompanied (usually slightly preceded) by the occurrence of a neutral
event, such as ringing of bell. After several training trials (pairings of bell and
food), the dog would salivate at the ringing of bell, before any food had
appeared. Salivation at the presentation of food is called an unconditioned
response (UR), since it occurs automatically (unconditionally). The food is an
unconditioned stimulus (US). The animal’s tendency to salivate when the light
flashes is conditional on the light having been paired with food, so this is
referred to as a conditioned response (CR) and the event that evokes it as a
conditioned stimulus (CS). The whole training procedure was tagged
conditioning. As other forms of training, introduced later, have also been
defined as conditioning, Pavlov’s version became known as classical
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11. C High Machs flourish
? In jobs that offer substantial rewards for the achievement of goals
? When they interact face to face with others
? In jobs that require the use of persuasion skills
Statement (I) is accurate in case of people with high self-monitoring.
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12. E ‘Removal of apprehensions’ is the pre-requisite for participation, in which
employees are unlikely to participate, even if there is a slightest perceived threat
to their status or position.
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13. C In the liaison role, the manager interacts with individuals or groups, inside or
outside the organization.
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14. C The job satisfaction that an individual derives from his job depends on the extent
to which results meet his expectations.
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15. C Statements (I) and (II) are actual.
Multiple-management is a method of improving the participation of the middle
level managers in the decision-making activities of the organization.
Middle-management committees provide a junior board of directors the
responsibility of understanding and recommending solutions for a particular
The board members are free to make their own rules and the positions on the
board are held on a rotation basis.
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16. E Extraversion refers to the extent to which a person is comfortable with other
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17. B 1 could define negative reinforcement as a form of social blackmail, which
makes a person behave in a particular manner.
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18. E It’s a n unethical behavior to assist employees to carry out practices even though

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