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All India Management Association (AIMA) 2006 M.B.A Marketing Management Organizational Behavior – II - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 10:20Web
Divergent thinking is in contrast to the conventional concept of convergent
In convergent thinking, responses are influenced by the knowledge and rational
logic of the individual.
Divergent thinking refers to an individual’s ability to develop innovative but
relevant responses to provided ques. or issues.
Ideas generated by divergent thinking are generally novel and sometimes appear
3. D Premeditated rumors are deliberately created and transmitted. In a highly
competitive business environment, the purpose of these rumors is to create
disturbances both within the organization and the industry at large.
4. B Functional results are the constructive consequences of a conflict, on the
performance of a group or an organization. This improves the group or
organizational performance.
5. B Statement (II) is not actual since the normative view defines how a group is to be
organized and how its activities are to be carried out.
6. B Departmentalization by product method involves breaking down an organization
into small, independent units called strategic business units, every of which
produces a particular product or service. This method decreases the conflicts that
occur in functional departmentalization.
7. A A decision is stated to be programmed when adequate info about the
decision situation is available with the decision maker.
Pricing decisions for orders placed by customers, decisions regarding the salary to
be paid to employees, decisions pertaining to reordering of office supplies etc. are
a few examples of programmed decisions.
8. B When 2 or more groups function independently but their output needs to be
combined to achieve the overall objectives of the organization, the groups are stated
to have pooled interdependence.
9. B Ignoring rules and procedures comes under legitimate political behavior. < TOP
10. C Collaborative management shows the significance of the involvement of all
organizational members in achieving success for the organization and the
importance of ensuring the participation of all its members in fostering a positive
organizational culture.
11. D Stephen Robbins has described the chain of command as the unbroken line of
authority that extends from the topmost level to the least level of an organization
and clarifies reporting relationship within the organization.

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