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All India Management Association (AIMA) 2007 M.B.A Marketing Management Managerial Effectiveness - I - exam paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 11:10Web
ideas about a ic as they can. Every idea is recorded. No idea is rejected at
the initial stage. The group then returns to the ideas and adopts those that seem
most feasible or most useful.

16. A An effective job search starts with careful career planning, a process that
includes self-analysis, career analysis, and job analysis.

17. C Unclear, non specific message is not an attitudinal barrier to effective listening.
18. A Maintaining eye contact shows honesty.
19. D The suggestive and persuasive natures of communication are: coordination of
tasks, sharing of information, issue solving and conflict resolution.
info about procedures is directive or authoritative in nature.

20. D Disciplinary interviews become necessary when there are disruptive issues
that must be curtailed.

21. B Such statements are made in the appeal stage. They appeal to the debtor’s sense
of fair play, cooperation and honesty.

22. D Non-routine acknowledgements require individualized letters.
23. D If the minutes is not sent along with the agenda, it is learn out by the secretary.
24. D other than choice (d) all other choices are the qualities of a well written application

25. D Collaborating focused on satisfying both parties to the greatest degree. Both
parties work together to resolve conflicts in a way that meets the concerns of

26. C Human beings convey a lot through body movements and facial expressions.
Kinesics is the study of this type of communication.

27. B Sara is involved in transmission of message.
28. C The subsequent are the respondent responses:
I. Don’t be dishonest.
II. Don’t waste the interviewer’s time.
Don’t be controlling or overbearing is guidelines for the interviewer response.

29. C A request is considered routine when it involves doing what is part of the
normal course of business. The frequency at which the request occurs is

30. B Focus on the actions you want learners to take in response to your request.
31. D Predicting what a member of audience is thinking at the particular moment will
hardly help a learner to understand the likeness among the members of the

32. E While presenting info about your work experience in resume, you can

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