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SRM University 2007 B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering BANMK - Question Paper

Wednesday, 30 January 2013 08:25Web
11. Write an algorithm to obtain the location LOC of the node where ITEM 1st appears in Circular Linked list.
12. Explain the procedure of adding 2 polynomials with an examples.
13. Explain low a node can be inserted in 2 way list.
14. Write the procedure of deleting a node from double linked list.
15. Let LIST be a linked list in memory write a procedure for
a. Find the number NUM of times a provided ITEM occurs in LIST.
b. Find the number NUM of the non zero elements in list.
c. Adds a provided value K to every element in List.

16. Write an algorithm which deletes the last node from list.
17. Write an algorithm which copies a list NAME1 into list NAME 2.
18. Suppose LIST is a linked list in memory converting of numerical value. Write a procedure for every of the subsequent.
a. Finding the maximum MAX of the values in LIST.
b. Finding the avg. MEAN of the values in LIST.
19. Write a procedure SWAP which interchanges the Kth and K+1st elements in the list without chasing any values in INFO.
20. Write a procedure SORT which Sorts a list with out chasing values INFO.

1. Is binary tree a special case of general tree? provide reasons.
2. Define General tree.
3. Define Binary tree
4. Define Binary search tree.
5. Differentiate complete and full binary tree.
6. What is heap?
7. What is the Max no of nodes in the 1st level of a binary tree?
8. Construct binary search tree for the provided elements 40,60,50,33,55,11
9. What is the time complexity for searching and inserting elements in binary search tree?
10. What are the ways of representing tree?
11. What is max leap?
12. What is min leap?
13. Construct max leap for 44,30,50,22,60,55
14. What is an extended binary tree?
15. What is the use of Hufferman’s Algorithm?
16. What is a root node?
17. Write the preorder traversal for the provided tree.
18. What are the advantages of linear representation of a binary tree?
19. How do you convert a tree in to a binary tree?
20. What is threading?
21. Why is the inorder traversal of a general tree not improper.
22. What is the difference ranging from a general tree and binary tree?
23. What are the advantages in using linked list representation of binary tree?
24. Give an example for a three level complete binary tree.
25. Compare linear representation and linked representation of a binary tree.
26. Draw a binary tree representation for the expression A*B – (C+D)*(P/2).
27. How does the inorder traversal of binary tree help you in sorting the data?
28. Draw all the possible nonsimilar trees T where
(a) T is binary tree with three nodes.
(b) T is a two tree with four external nodes.
29. Explain why a tree is called non-linear data structure.
30. What are the applications of tree?


1. Write an algorithm to insert an element in a binary tree.
2. Write an n algorithm to delete a node which has zero or 1 children node.
3. Write an algorithm to delete a node which has two children.
4. Explain heap sort in detail.
5. Explain huffernan’s algorithm.
6. Explain the tree traversal.
7. Explain about the subsequent terms a. complete binary tree b.Extended binary tree. C. linked representation of Binary trees.
8. Explain in detail about Traversing binary trees with example.
9. Write an algorithm for preorder traversal?
10. Write a short note on Threads?
11. A binary search tree T is in memory and an item of info is provided. Write a procedure to obtain the location loc of item in T and also the location PAR of the parent of item.
12. Explain about general trees.
13. A binary tree T is in memory. Write a procedure which deletes all the terminal nodes in T.
14. A binary tree t is in memory. Write a non recursive procedure for every of the subsequent
a. Finding the number of nodes in T
b. Finding the depth of D of T.
c. Finding the number of terminal node.
15. The subsequent sequences list the nodes of a binary tree T in preorder, inorder , respectively
Preorder : G,B,Q,A,C,K,F,P,D,E,R,H
Inorder :Q,B,K,C,F,A,G,P,E,D,H,R
Draw the diagram of tree.

1. Draw a graph that has cycles in it.
2. What type of graph represents a hierarchical relationship?
3. What is the out degree of a sink node?
4. What is a digraph?
5. Draw a graph to show that any digraph that is strongly connected is also weakly connected.
6. What is the in degree of a source node?
7. What is meant by adjacency or incidence graph?
8. What is a path in a graph? What is a cycle in a graph?
9. What is an adjacency set for a Vertex x in a graph G?
10. What is a weighted graph? How a shortest path is described in it?
11. What does Key mean in a record?
12. What are the various search strategies in files?
13. What does hashing function mean?

1. Describe the minimum spanning tree algorithm for a network.
2. Describe how Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm works.
3. Describe the Floyd’s algorithm with an example.
4. Describe the various collision processing techniques in detail.
5. Describe the Index sequential search technique in a 2 level directory structure.
6. Explain the concept of B- tree indexing.

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