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SRM University 2007 B.Tech Information Technology BANK : COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE - Question Paper

Wednesday, 30 January 2013 06:30Web
6. Explain the various kinds of addressing modes available with a numerical example.
7. Explain Risc in detail.
8. What are the various kinds of instructions available? discuss briefly giving examples for each?

1. Draw the hardware implementation of signed magnitude addition & subtraction operation.
2. Draw the hardware implementation for 2’s compliment addition & subtraction operation.
3. Draw the hardware implementation of signed magnitude multiplication operation.
4. Draw the hardware implementation for 2’s compliment (Booth’s) multiplication operation.
5. Realize a 2-bit by 2-bit array multiplier with the help of a combinational circuit.
6. Draw the hardware implementation of signed magnitude division operation.
7. Explain about Divide overflow in brief.
8. Explain the various algorithms for implementing signed magnitude Division operation.
9. Explain Normalization focusing on overflow & underflow with an example.
10. Give the register configuration for floating point arithmetic operations.
11. Give the algorithm for implementing floating point addition & subtraction operation.
12. Give the algorithm for implementing floating point Multiplication operation.
13. Give the algorithm for implementing floating point Division operation.
14. Give the relationship ranging from binary sum & BCD sum.
15. Draw the block diagram of BCD adder.
16. Give the block diagram for Decimal arithmetic unit.
17. provide the register configuration for decimal arithmetic multiplication & division.
18. Implement (a) 624 + 879 & (b) 360 + 370 using parallel decimal addition method.
19. Draw the block diagram for Digit-serial, Bit parallel decimal addition.
20. Draw the block diagram for All serial decimal addition.


1. Explain Addition & Subtraction operation of binary signed magnitude numbers with relevant hardware & flowchart.
2. Explain Addition & Subtraction operation of binary 2’s compliment numbers with relevant hardware & flowchart. Support with an example.
3. Explain Multiplication operation of binary signed magnitude numbers with relevant hardware & flowchart. Support with an example.
4. Explain Multiplication operation of binary 2’s compliment numbers (Booth’s algorithm) with relevant hardware & flowchart. Support with an example.

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