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All India Institute of Medical Sciences 2005 M.D /MS Entrance - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 09:35Web
c) Put the dressing material directly in an improper bag and send for incinerzation
d) Pour 2% Lysol on the dressing material and send it for incineration in a improper bag

163. A 45 year old female complains of lower abdominal pain and vaginal discharge. On exam there is cervicitis along with a mucopurulent cervical discharge. The gram smear of the discharge indicates presence of abundant pus cells but no bacteria. The best approach to isolate the possible causative agent would be :
a) Culture on chocolate agar supplemented with Heemin
b) Culture on McCoy cells
c) Culture on a bilayer human blood agar
d) Culture on vero cells lines
164. The sputum specimen of a 70 year old male was cultured on a 5% sheep blood agar. The culture showed the presence of a-haemolytic colonies next day. The further processing of this organism is most likely to yield :
a) Gram positive cocci in short chains, catalase negative and bile resident.
b) Gram positive cocci in pairs, catalase negative and bile soluble.
c) Gram positive cocci in pairs, catalase positive and oxidase positive

165. A major step in the pathogenesis of listeriosis is :
a) The formation of antigen-antibody complexes with resulting complement activation and tissue damage.
b) The release of hyaluronidase by L. monocytogenes, which contributes to its dissemimayopm from local sites.
c) The antiphagocytic activity of the L. monocytogenes capsule.
d) The survival and multiplication of L. monocytogenes within mononuclear phagocytes and host epithelial cells.
166. In HIV infected individual Gram stain of lung aspirate indicates yeast like morphology.
All of the subsequent are the most likely diagnosis other than :
a) Candida tropicalis
b) Cryptococcus neoformans
c) Pencillium marneffi
d) Aspergillus fumigates

167. A patient of Acute lymphocytic leukemia with fever and neutropenia develops diarrhoea after administration of amoxicillin therapy, which of the subsequent organism is most likely to be the causative agent ?
a) Salmonella typhi
b) Clostridium difficle
c) Clostridium perfriungens
d) Shigella flexneri
168. The subsequent statements are actual with reference to Mycoplasma other than :
a) They are the smallest prokaryotic organisms that can grow in cell free culture media.

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