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All India Institute of Medical Sciences 2003 - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 08:20Web
1. Lung with pulmonary thromboembolism.
2. Heart with coronary thrombosis.
3. Liver with hypovolemic shock.
4. Kidney with septic embolus.
Ans 1

130. Upper GI endoscopy and biopsy from lower esophagus in a 48 year old lady with chronic heart burn indicates presence of columner epithelium with goblet. The feature is most likely consistent with :
1. Dysplasia.
2. Hyperplasia.
3. Carcinoma in-situ.
4. Metaplasia.
Ans four

131. The light brown perinuclear pigment seen on H&F staining of the cardiac muscle fibers in the grossly normal appearing heart of an 83- year old man at autopsy is due to deposition of. :
1. Hemosiderin.
2. Lipochrome.
3. Cholesterol metabolic.
4. Anthracotic pigment.
Ans 2

132. A renal biopsy from a 56 years old women with progressive renal failure for the past three years indicates glomerular and vascular deposition of pink amorphous material. It indicates apple-green birefringence under polarized light after Congo red staining. These deposits are positive for lambda light chains. The person is most likely to suffer from :
1. Rheumatoid arthritis.
2. Tuberculosis.
3. Systemic lupus erythematosus.
4. Multiple myeloma.
Ans 4

133. A 40-year-old man has a chronic cough with fever for several months. The chest radiograph reveals a diffuse reticulonodular trend. Microscopically on transbronchial biopsy there are focal areas of inflammation containing epithelioid cell granuloma, Langhans giant cells, and lymphocytes. These findings are typical for which of the subsequent kind of hypersensitivity immunologic responses :
1. Type-I.
2. Type-II.
3. Type-III.
4. Type-IV.
Ans 4

134. An adult old man gets a burn injury to his hands. Over few weeks, the burned skin heals without the need for skin grafting. The most critical factor responsible for the rapid healing in this case is :
1. Remnant skin appendages.
2. Underlying connective tissue.
3. Minimal edema and erythema.
4. Granulation tissue.
Ans 4

135. A 12 year old girl complains of pain persisting in his left leg. For several weeks with a low grade fever. A radiograph reveals a mass in the diaphyseal region of the left femur with overlying cortical erosion and soft tissue extension. A biopsy of the lesion indicates numerous small round cells, rich in PAS positive diastase sensitive granules. The most likely histological diagnosis is :

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