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National Law School of Indian University (NLSIU) 2007 B.A L.L.B ADMISSION TEST – ., LL.B(HONS.) - Question Paper

Sunday, 27 January 2013 12:45Web
(a) Book seller cannot enforce the contract as 'A' is minor
(b) Book seller can enforce the contract even against the minor as the contract was for his necessities
(c) Book seller can enforce the contract after 'A' becomes a major
(d) Even after A becomes a major, this contract cannot be enforced by the book seller

121. Principle: An agreement is void and unenforceable if considerations and objects are unlawful.

Fact: A enters into an agreement with B for manufacture of 10 country made pistols and 10 land mines. A promises to pay a sum of Rs.2,00,000/- and advances a sum of Rs.25,000/- to B. On completing the work and handing over the materials as required, A refuses to pay the remaining sum of Rs.1,75,000/- to B.
(a) B cannot move any court for enforcement of this contract
(b) B can move the Civil Court for enforcement of contract
(c) B can move the High court for enforcement of contract
(d) B can move the Supreme Court directly as his fundament and legal right is violated

122. Principle: Agreement by way of wager is void and no suit lies for recovering anything won by such wager.
Facts: Mr. X and Mrs. Y enter into a contract with Raman who is an expert in betting on horse racing. Both pay a sum of Rs.2,000/- to Raman to bet on a particular horse. Raman followed the instructions and he won a sum of Rs.20lakhs.
(a) Raman has to pay Rs.20lakhs to Mr. X and Mrs. Y
(b) Raman can divide Rs.20lakhs into 3 parts and share it equally with Mr. X and Mrs. Y
(c) Raman can keep Rs.15lakhs and provide 5lakhs to Mr. X and Mrs. Y
(d) Raman need not provide anything to Mr. X and Mrs. Y as this agreement is not enforceable

123. Principle: A master is liable for any tort committed by his servant in the course of his employment.
Facts: Martin appointed Gopal as his driver. 1 day Martin sent the driver to fetch a few goods from a nearby shop. On his way, Gopal injured a pedestrian who was trying to cross the road as per the traffic signal (lights).
(a) The pedestrian cannot sue Gopal
(b) Martin can direct Gopal to pay the compensation
(c) The pedestrian can sue Gopal as well as Martin
(d) The pedestrian cannot sue Martin

124. Principle: A contingent contract is a contract to do or not to do something, if a few event, collateral to such contract, does or does not happen.

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