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Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT-K) 2006 JT - Question Paper

Wednesday, 23 January 2013 08:55Web
(i) Corridors connect the reception to shops, 2, three and 6.
(ii) A corridor connects the reception to shop two and then to shop 4.
(iii) Corridors connect shops two and three to shop 7.
(iv) Shop six is connected to shops 3, 5, and 9.
(v) Shop seven is connected to shop 9.
(vi) Shops seven and nine are connected to shop 8.
Q.51. Without visiting any shop more than once, what is the MAXIMUM number of shops a person can
(A)5 (B)6 (C) seven (D)8
Q.52. If a visitor wants to travel to shops four and 5, which 1 of the subsequent must be
(A) The visitor will go to every shop other than shop 3
(B) The visitor will go to shop two only once
(C) The visitor will not visit any shop more than once
(D) The visitor will visit at lowest 6 various shops.
Solution for the ques. 51 and 52:
The data provided can be represented as follows
51. Observing the diagram we can say that the maximum number of shops a person can visit without
visiting any shop more than once is 8.
Hence the ans choice is (D).
52. Observing the diagram we can say that the statement (C) must be false.
Hence the ans choice is (C).
2 one 6
4 5
7 9
Directions for ques. 53 - 55: learn the provided passage and ans the questions:
Six products, namely U, V, W, X, Y, and Z are to be placed in the display windows of a shop. There are six
display windows numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and six from left to right in such a way that 1 product is showcased
in 1 window only. However, U cannot be placed adjacent to V. W must be immediately to the left of X
and Z cannot be in window number 6.
Note: The direction (left or right) should be determined with respect to the observer/shopper
Q.53. Which of the subsequent products CANNOT be placed in window number 1?
(A)U (B) V (C) W (D) X
Q.54. If X is placed in window number 3, in which window can W be placed?
(A) one (B) two (C)4 (D)5
Q.55. If U is placed in window number 5, which of the subsequent products must be placed
in window number 6?
(A)V (B)W (C) Y (D)X
Solution for the ques. 53-55:
53. As in any of the arrangement W must seat left to X so, X can not be placed in window number 1.

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