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Indian Institue of Management 2008 Entrance Exams Other Entrance Exams CAT - Question Paper

Sunday, 03 February 2013 12:05Web
5) The origin of a though is not the type of thing to which ‘purity’ happens easily.

Directions for ques. 71 to 75: The passage provided beneath is followed by a set of 5 ques.. select the most improper ans to every ques..

A remarkable aspect of art of the current century is the range of concepts and ideologies which it embodies. It is almost tempting to see a trend emerging with in the art field – or alternatively imposed upon it a posteriori – similar to that which exists under the umbrella of science where the general term covers a whole range of separate, though interconnecting, activities. Any parallelism is however – in this instance at lowest – misleading. A scientific discipline develops systematically once its bare tenets have been established, named and categorized as conventions, Many of the concepts of modern art, by contrast, have resulted from the almost accidental meetings of groups of talented individuals at certain times and certain places. The ideas generated by these chance meetings had twofold consequences. Firstly, a corpus of work would be produced which, in great part, remains as a concrete record of the events. Secondly, the ideas would themselves be disseminated through many various channels of communication – seeds that often bore fruit in situations far removed from their generation. Not all movements were exclusively concerned with innovation. Surrealism, for instance, claimed to embody a type of insight which can be current in the art of any period. This claim has been generally accepted so that a sixteen century painting by Spranger or a mysterious photograph by Atget can legitimately be explained in surrealist terms. Briefly, then, the concepts of modern art are of many various (often fundamentally different) types and resulted from the exposures of painters, sculptors and thinkers to the more complex phenomena of the twentieth century, including our ever increasing knowledge of the thought and products of earlier centuries. various groups of artists would collaborate in trying to make sense of a rapidly changing world of visual and spiritual experience. We should hardly be surprised if no 1 group succeeded completely, but achievements, though relative, have been considerable. Landmarks have been established – concrete statements of position which provide a trend to a situation which could easily have degenerated into the total chaos. Beyond this, new language tools have been created for those who follow – semantic systems which can give a springboard for further explorations.

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