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All India Institute of Medical Sciences 2005 M.D /MS Entrance - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 09:35Web
d) IL-8 antagonist

148. Which of the subsequent is the established biological therapy for Crohn's disease ?
a) Frusemide
b) Hydrochlorothiazide
c) Spironolactone
d) Demeclocyline

149. Nephrotoxicity is a side effect of 1 of the subsequent immuno-suppressives :
a) Sirolimus
b) Tacrolims
c) Mycophenolate mofetil
d) Azathioprine

150. Minimal change glomerulopathy may be seen in association with all of the subsequent other than :
a) Hepatits B
b) HIV
c) Drug-induced interstitial nephrities
d) Hodgkin's disease

151. All of the subsequent poisons are dialyzable other than :
a) Ethylene glycol
b) Methanol
c) Barbituates
d) Copper sulphate

152. All the subsequent drugs may reason hyperkalemia other than :
a) Cyclosporine
b) Amphotericin
c) Heparin

153. Acalculous cholecystitis can be seen in all the followign conditions other than :
a) Enteric fever
b) Dengue haemorrhagic fever
c) Leptospirosis
d) Malaria
154. A 30 year old lady presents with features of malabsorption and iron deficiency anaemia. Duodebnal biopsy indicates complete villous atrophy. Which of the subsequent antibodies is likely to be current ?
a) Antiendomysial antibodies ]
b) Anti-goblet cell antibodies
c) Anti-Saccharomyces cervisae antibodies
d) Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies.
155. A 25 year old woman presents with recurrent abdominal pain and anemia. Peripheral blood smear indicates basophilic stippling of the red blood cells. What is the most likely diagnosis ?
a) Coeliac disease
b) Hookworm infestation
c) Sickle cell disease
d) Lead poisoning
156. A patient presents with lower gastrointestianal bleed. Sigmoidoscopy indicates ulcers in the sigmoid. Biopsy from this area indicates ulcers in the sigmoid. Biopsy from this area indicates flaskshaped ulcers. Which of the subsequent is the most improper treatment ?
a) Intravenous ceftriaxone
b) Intravenous metronidazole
c) Intravenous steroids and sulphasalazine
d) Hydrocortisone enemas.
157. A 25-year old farmer presented with history of high grade fever for seven days and altered sensorium for two days. On examination, he was comatosed and had conjunctival he4morrhage. Urgent investigations showed a hemoglobin of 11 gm/dl, serum bilirubin eight mg/dl and urea 78 mg/dl. Peripheral blood smear was nagative for malarial parasite. What is the most likely diagnosis ?

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